CLICK TO VIEW Ohio Department of Health Concussion Information Sheet: For Youth Sports Organizations
Is rowing safe?
Rowing, like all sports, has an amount of risk; however, athlete safety on the water is the Foundry’s top priority. During every practice, Foundry coaches closely follow all rowing shells in powerboats to monitor rower safety, marine traffic, and weather conditions. Powerboats are equipped with personal flotation devices for each crew and all coxswains wear personal flotation devices when practicing on the water.
Registration and Program Capacity
Do I have to pass a swim test to row at the Foundry?
Yes. The Foundry Swim Test Form can be found here: Foundry Swim Test Form
See SWIM TEST FAQ’s for further details on locations, testing and free swim lessons.
How do I register for a Foundry rowing program?
Registration for all Foundry programs are completed online. To register, please complete the steps on the registration page for your desired program. When registering, it is important that you accurately enter information. The email address submitted will be the Foundry’s primary communication channel with you.
If help is required for registration, please contact foundryadmin@clevelandfoundry.org. Please include detailed and specific program information in your query.
How do I know if a program has space?
Registrations will be accepted until a program is full or until registration is closed. If program is full or if registration is closed, it will be noted on the Foundry web page. Registration is first come, first served. If you register, but the course has already filled, you will be notified if you have been placed on the wait list.
What do I do while I am on the wait list?
If a spot becomes available in your desired program, the Foundry will contact you by email. You will have 24 hours to respond if you would like the spot in the class. If the Foundry does not hear from you, your space will be offered to the next person on the wait list.
What are your Refund/Transfer/Credit policies?
Rowing is an expensive sport; team registrations received are quickly and irretrievably committed to cover the cost of the program’s race fees, travel logistics, and/or equipment. Full refunds will only be made for cancelled programs. Programs may be cancelled if the minimum enrollment is not met. Should an individual be unable to complete a program due to significant medical reasons, a prorated refund will be issued upon receipt of an acceptable written notification (medical excuse) from a licensed physician.
Credits will be issued on a case-by-case basis should a participant decide to withdraw from a program and only if a written request is made and approved by The Foundry. A team level refund of The Foundry portion will be made in full only if notification of withdrawal is given in writing to the coach during the first week of practice. Thereafter, no refund will be made. Fees beyond the program fees/membership, such as transaction fees or credit card fees, will not be refunded at any time. There is no refund if a rower is dismissed for his or her disruptive actions, attitudes or performance or failing to comply with the Team Policies and Expectations of Crew, and any amendments to those documents season to season.
It’s raining, do we still have practice?
Yes. Foundry programs meet as scheduled, rain or shine. If severe lightning, wind, or storms are present, athletes will not be permitted on the water. In the event of severe weather (lightning, wind, river flow) athletes will not be permitted on the water and practice will be held on land – practice will not be cancelled. Practices and programs will not be rescheduled due to weather. Please be sure that it is safe for you to get to practice before departing. If you feel it is unsafe for you to attend practice because of the weather, please notify your coach as soon as possible. Athletes will not be penalized for making the safe choice.
What should I wear on the water?
Always dress in LAYERS. Dress appropriately for the weather, including a windbreaker or a waterproof layer if necessary. Make sure you can shed layers easily as you begin to warm up. Rowing clothes get dirty. Don’t wear clothing that can’t get dirty to the boathouse. Clothing should be comfortable and snug fitting. Ideal rowing clothing allows athletes to move freely without being baggy. Baggy pants, shorts, and shirts often get stuck in the sliding seat.
Be prepared to be on the water or on land in case conditions are unfavorable. Pack the following in your bag:
-Water Bottle
-Layers for a variety of weather conditions
-Hat & Sunscreen
-Outdoor running shoes
-Socks (extras are always good to have on hand)
-Before/After clothes
What is appropriate land attire?
When working out and walking around public areas of the Foundry everyone must wear a shirt. We respectfully request that athletes do not go shirtless or with only a sports bra on.
Are there showers/locker rooms?
Yes, the Foundry has showers and locker rooms at our rowing center.