Explore Pram Sailing is a series of introductory sailing experiences, catered to 5–7-year-olds. Instruction begins on land and works up to time on the water in one person, eight-foot sailboats called prams. “First mates” will experience steering a boat and finding the wind with the help of The Foundry’s US Sailing small boat instructors. On the water instruction may take place in a pool or protected basin in Lake Erie. Parents and guardians are encouraged to stay on site and participate in programming with their “first mates”!
Mondays or Tuesdays
June 30-August 5
Explore Pram Sailing launches from:
Gordon Park East 72nd St. Boat Ramp
7305 North Marginal Road
Cleveland, OH 44103

The Foundry provides instruction by a certified coach, professionally maintained boats, insurance, a safety fleet, safety gear, and administrative support.​